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Episode 7: Finding Strength to Heal: Triumph Against Narcissistic Abuse

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I know your time is valuable. These show notes give you the gist of the episode, what is covered, any links or resources talked about in the show, and also gives you a few ways to listen or watch the episode.

This episode’s topic, in a nutshell…

In this episode, we talk with Jennifer Monroe, a survivor of narcissistic abuse in her marriage. She talks about her journey through her marriage, and what it was like navigating all the narcissistic tendencies of her (then) husband, from love bombing, gaslighting, projection, and so much more.  She also shares what life is like now after her divorce, and the effects of raising her children through it all.

If you have ever dealt with the behavior of a covert narcissist in a relationship, you will definitely relate to this episode. If you have not, I would still encourage you to listen in so you can understand the subtle actions that surround a narcissists toxic behavior.

If you are in the middle of one of these toxic relationships, I have listed some resources below that might be able to help you navigate through the confusion a narcissist can bring.

You are not alone, my friend!

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That was mentioned in this episode

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Trauma can be extremely difficult to overcome…

Everyone has faced traumatic experiences at some point in our lives…

Everyone has faced traumatic experiences at some point in our lives.

But it doesn’t have to.

But overcoming trauma in possible.

When trauma is brought into the light, it exposes these 3 lies that fuel your pain.

 And in we have put together a guide that exposes these 3 lies, so you can get unstuck and get on your road to recovery.