Own Your Purpose

Take Back Your Power


There is no greater power to share with others than our story!


To promote healing from trauma, and inspire hope in others dealing with trauma through powerful story and creative art.

The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.

Stories are the way we understand and make sense of the world we find ourselves in.

Stories make us remember and they make us care. It’s because our brains are programmed for stories.

Are you Ready to Share?

Some Stories We Have Told

Seize the opportunity to share

Find Healing

Discover why our clients experience such powerful healing through this immersive experience. Once you experience healing, you are able to take back your power.

Seek Closure

Release traumatic bonds that have held you captive in the past by embracing your emotions, feeling them, and finally putting closure on them.

Turn Pain into Purpose

Find your purpose and your power in the midst of trauma. Face it, embrace it, and let it transform you and the lives of others watching.

Inspire & Influence

Tap into the depths of your heartache and pain, and find the superpower lies within you. Someone is waiting on an inspirational story like yours to help them navigate their pain. Are you ready to step into that calling?

Turn your Pain into a Purpose

Get Seen, Get heard, Become Influential, Change Lives

Do you believe there is a reason for everything we experience in life? 

Do you believe that, as human beings, we have the resilience to be able to take experiences and heal from them, grow from them, and find a healthy way to cope with them?

Stop letting the pain define you!
Stop letting the experience define you!

Embark on this healing journey with me, turn your pain into a purpose,  and view your trauma in a whole new light. You are guaranteed to walk away from this experience transformed

Do you ever feel like…

You are not alone!

Through this transformational experience you are able to…

Take Your Power Back

Release strongholds and experience freedom through being transparent and sharing authentically. Allow your story to equip you with power and strength, and stop letting it hold you back.

Utilize Professional Guidance

Our professional team of creatives walk with you through every single step of the process to ensure your story is shared with utmost effectiveness and professionalism. AND, we never share anything you have not given us permission to be shared.

Experience Healing

Our session locations are “safe places” and planned with your healing experience in mind. You will be open and free to explore your emotional trauma in the comfort and safety of our immersive healing environments.

Accelerate Change

Expanding our reach through multiple powerful platforms that display powerful images, compelling video, open and authentic sharing, and published materials, you can be certain that your story will gain notoriety and influence, while helping others transform from their own trauma.

Connect on One Shared Goal

Through our compelling mission, our desire is to raise awareness and get people talking about the challenging circumstances humans must overcome in this life. Through sharing your story, you have the potential to inspire others, and even in some cases, save lives.

Rediscover You

Once the mind expands, it can never retract to where it was. Once you experience the power behind this healing experience, you will never look at your trauma the same. You will experience transformation and triumph over your trauma.

The Powerful Healing Journey

Are You Ready

Apply to see if you are at the place in your journey to share your story through one of our healing art packages.

Experience The Power of Transformation

This journey transcends anything you have ever experienced. 

Its a journey of beauty and healing. 

And when you take this journey with me, your light will begin to shine so bright, that your scars will fade into existence. 

The Inspiration Effect

Tap into your own potential. 

Turn your pain into promise, and give purpose to it. 

Give them a glimpse inside your world, and empower others through your story.

Our life is not ours, but rather the impact we have on others.

See How Svetlana’s
Experience was with us


We know that not everyone desires to have their story shared publicly, and that is perfectly fine. We have a collection that is designed for this, and through this collection, you will still experience healing from the immersive experience, capturing your story, and the heartfelt images that will become heirlooms and passed down through generations, leaving a lasting legacy in your family.

We have designed and developed an interview process that we take each client through to ensure that the clients we work with are at a defined place in their journey. We put this process in place to ensure that when we go deep inside the healing psyche to break some of the deep seated wounds from their trauma, it will not break them as a person. If you want to share your story, but are just not ready yet, we offer resources that will move you to that place of readiness.

The entire process is a collaboration with you. We never press you to share more than you are comfortable with, and we will work with you until the story is perfect and you are 100% confident that it is an accurate depiction and representation of you.  Also, please keep in mind you are always welcome to do a healing experience session without sharing publicly at all.

That is what we are here for. We collaborate with you to draw out your story. We take the details you share and come up with a concept that is individually inspired specifically for your story. We are experts at planning everything for you, so when you embark on this journey with us, the only thing you have to do is show up and experience the transformational power of healing through art.

Our preliminary planning process is specifically designed to help you draw out your signature story and make a massive ripple effect of impact through it. You will walk away from this experience with so much more than you expect. 

There are many reasons someone wants to share their story. These reasons range from personally releasing the emotions or gaining closure, to giving inspiration to others overcoming similar types of traumatic circumstances. Our mission with these collections is to give people a platform to share so we can start talking about the things that are just not talked about. Stories are relatable and when shared, they have immense healing and inspirational power. 


Join the list to be the first to know about new stories, free resources and offerings. 

Trauma can be extremely difficult to overcome…

Everyone has faced traumatic experiences at some point in our lives…

Everyone has faced traumatic experiences at some point in our lives.

But it doesn’t have to.

But overcoming trauma in possible.

When trauma is brought into the light, it exposes these 3 lies that fuel your pain.

 And in we have put together a guide that exposes these 3 lies, so you can get unstuck and get on your road to recovery.